
Chipmunk basic examples
Chipmunk basic examples

  • Return to the address after the one where a stop or error occurred.
  • Not to be confused with the statement cls to wipe the characters and pictures off your computer's screen and have your cursor in the upper left corner.
  • All variables are cleared and if appropriate (in case of tables and the like) deallocated.
  • bas extension to appear in the Open dialog box.
  • At the prompt of your operating system can be typed basic optionally followed by the path and/or filename to start a(n existing) Basic program showing its own prompt by default >.
  • įor a quick start read following main sections first in this order while sections are mainly alphabetic for reader's convenience:Ĭommands statements functions operators files graphics sound objects special Please try studying the Chipmunk Basic man page and README file or the author's site. Some sections¶graphs of this concept book cover parts of the complete reference as well. The built-in help system is extremely limited, but since this an open project it might be expanded any moment in time. See downloads near the bottom of this page. It's no obligation to start statements with a line number if you write them using an advanced syntax-checking editor like TextWrangler for OS X or Notepad++ on Windows.

    chipmunk basic examples

    Most commands and statements should work more or less the same under other supported platforms like Linux or Microsoft Windows. Some statements work only in the GUI-version, other via the command line interface or both.

    #Chipmunk basic examples for mac os x

    Chipmunk Basic pocketManual as supplied to freeware interpreter for Basic programming language called Chipmunk Basic (release 3 version 6 update 6 patch 0) for Mac OS X ( Snow Leopard) or newer by Ron H Nicholson.

    Chipmunk basic examples